Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Being a Parent

I've been thinking a lot about how it's easy to get sucked into comparing your kid to others now that we are being invited to play dates pretty regularly. We've played with some kids that are older than Lily and still not crawling and not sleeping through the night. I guess I've had it pretty easy because Lily has never been delayed for any milestone. Even so, I still try to remember that these are not the most important things. We all thought Lily would be walking by now, but it honestly doesn't bother me that she isn't. She's only 11 months old! There's plenty of time for walking, and I can't take her out in this heat to run around anyways so she would just go stir crazy. And I'm sure some kids are saying 5 words by the time they're a year too, but it really doesn't bother me that Lily hasn't said one. It'll happen in time. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hope I can remember as she gets older and academics become more prevalent, that those things are not the most important. I'd much rather send a kid to kindergarten that is kind, patient, and obedient than one who can already read. I'd rather see her walk in on the first day of kindergarten and walk up to the first little kid she sees and say "hi, my name is Lily" than see her walk in, sit down, and write her name. I just think social skills and setting a good foundation are so much more important at this age. What's the point in being a braniac if you don't have the skills to sit and concentrate on a topic? And I DO NOT want my child to be the one who doesn't listen to the teachers and has no friends.

One thing I do struggle with is when we go to these play dates and the moms always ask what we did over the weekend. Um, we went grocery shopping? Maybe to the pool? What the heck do you do with a 1 yr old? These kids are so involved with activities already it makes me wonder if I'm doing enough. I don't know how to just say, "we're homebodies!" I don't want to be on the go all the time. I want our family to enjoy spending time with each other, and not always looking for external activities for entertainment.

Anyways, just putting it out there that's it's ok if Lily isn't writing her name at 5 or reading 65 words at 1 yr (yes, this has been claimed by someone) or doesn't know the alphabet by the time she is 3. So someday when I start freaking out about something you can hold me to these words :)

P.S. yes, I added completely random, old pics (5-6 months old) because I don't have an new ones lately. See above about being homebodies :)

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