Monday, June 24, 2013

Never Before Seen Videos

I take a ton of videos lately. It's just easier than taking pictures because Lily is constantly moving. I already post a ton on Facebook, but there are just as many that I don't post. Here are some videos dating anywhere from January up to now that haven't been seen yet.

This one is from January, I was proud of her for sliding all by herself.

This was the first time she slid down the big slide at our playground by herself.

Here I'm trying to get her to read me a book, but she's more interested in watching herself on the camera.

Jim is trying to get her to whistle, plus some cute laughing.

Getting a little confused telling me Happy Mother's Day

Her version of the song "Mr. Sun"

Singing Happy Birthday

Blowing motor boats on my stomach.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Lily's been in swimming lessons for over a year now, and they are really starting to pay off. I never would have thought we'd have an independent swimmer before her 2nd birthday! We have a shark fin float that straps to her back, and that's all she needs to keep afloat and swim around. She's not scared of the water at all and loves to jump to me or Jim. The only problem is she doesn't know she can't float without the shark and we have to watch her closely once we take it off; she'll jump right back in the water.

Yesterday was our last class of the season, and we start again in September. Good thing because her lessons are outside at 1:30!! Pretty brutal!!

Lily James is 22 Months Old!

My last update was at 15 months. Oops. I just want to write a few things down so I don't forget.

- The biggest change since 15 months is her talking. At 15 months she still only had a handful of words she was saying, but by 18 months she would pretty much try to say any word you asked her to. She didn't necessarily know how to use them, but she could say the word. Now at 22 months, she's putting together 3, 4, 5 word sentences.

 - She knows a ton of animals, her colors, body parts, and she can count to 13...except she skips #4 every. single. time.

- She LOVES bubble guppies. Dora is a distant 2nd place. Barney was the favorite early in the year, but he's been long forgotten.

- She's potty trained! We've been working on it since she was 19 months old, and she's done SO well. She tells me every time, and our only challenge is she has to go all the time. It's slowly getting better and she's learning to hold it longer. We had a rough 3 weeks in April/May where she didn't want to go #2 in the potty anymore - she wanted a diaper - but the promise of "big chocolate" finally got us over that hurdle. We're now working on getting her to go potty before we leave the house. She doesn't understand the idea of going to the bathroom before it's urgent.

- I think we're seeing some terrible 2s. She can have major attitude if we are making her do something she doesn't want to do, and she usually hits us in that case. Time-out doesn't really work, but we figured out telling her she has to play by herself is apparently torture. We also hear "mine!" about 50 times a day.

- She still hates the carseat and stroller. She just does not like to be strapped down.

- She is starting to hate her high chair, which is a battle. We're kind of in an in between place with the high chair vs a big chair. She still makes a mess if I put her at the table so I'm trying to keep her in the high chair as long as possible.

- She still has a couple teeth left to come in. The front 8 came in first, then the 4 molars, now the incisors are coming in, which seem to be the most painful for her.

- She's still an excellent sleeper. Bedtime is about 8:30 and she wakes up around 7. Nap time is about 1-4 pm.

- She can swim by herself with a floatie on, and she's not scared of the water at all. She loves to jump in the pool.

- She's still a good eater, and eats tons of fruits and vegetables. The only things I can't get her to eat are mashed potatoes and ice cream. She loves french fries, shrimp, green beans, broccoli, and eggs. She has a tendency when she really likes a food to shove as much as she can in her mouth, then she realizes she can't chew it and spits it back out in my hand. It's lovely.

- She's started to really like stuffed animals and baby dolls. She likes to bring them to bed with her, and we have to tuck the babies in then tuck her in.

- She loves to know everyone's names. We walk by strangers on the street and she points and says, "who that?'

- My favorite words to hear her say are butterfly and pretzel, just because she really drags out the syllables.

- Her favorite songs are Mr. Sun and Itsy Bitsy Spider, but she has always called it just "itsy spider."

- She wears a 3T in clothes, 4T in bathing suits and size 6 shoe.

- She weighs about 32 pounds. I don't think she's gained much weight in the last 4 months, but she's grown quite a few inches.

She's definitely changed so much in the last 6 months, and we're loving watching her grow!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

We All (except for one Stinker) Scream for Ice Cream...

I decided to take Lily to get ice cream yesterday thinking I was being a fun mom, and she didn't want one bit of it. We passed by this place yesterday on our way to the pharmacy, and I was shocked when she saw the sign and said, "ice cream!" I think the last time she was there was when Granny took her while Jim and I were in Abu Dhabi.

So, I thought she would be super excited. I told her at the house we were going to go get ice cream and she got really excited and didn't put up a fuss at all about going potty and putting on her shoes (normally these are battles). We walked there and the whole way she kept saying, "go eat ice cream?" I got her vanilla with chocolate sprinkles because she loves chocolate, sat down at the table, and she WOULD NOT TOUCH IT!!

Instead, she poked at it with the spoon a couple times then wanted to crawl all over the chairs and benches. Then she decided she needed to poop, which meant we went back and forth to the bathroom 3 times before I gave up and left (still doesn't want to do #2 in public restrooms very often).

Right before we left I had finished the ice cream and all that was left were the sprinkles, so she ate a few of those.

Normally I wouldn't complain about having to eat my child's ice cream, but Jim and I are on a diet that is not that cheap, and the one good thing about the expense is I do NOT want to cheat. Why spend all that money just to have it go to waste?

I guess we'll wait another 6 months before we try this again! I'll just take her out for french fries next time, or "fra fry" as she calls them.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Potty Training

Oh my poor blog! What happened?? Well, I guess I should confess that I used to write my blog posts while "watching" my lectures for school. After a few months I realized I wasn't getting much out of my lectures and needed to focus (surprise! surprise!), but then I just couldn't find the time to blog, and I was tired of sitting at the computer.

Anyways, obviously a lot has happened since my last post (Thanksgiving!!). I never even talked about Christmas. Maybe someday I'll catch up, but right now I'd rather talk about potty training.

Never in all my planning did I think we'd be potty training Lily at 20 months. I was prepared to wait until after our trip back to the States this summer, and do it sometime in August/September.

Lily developed a bad diaper rash at the end of March that turned into a fungal infection. We tried every cream and prescription we could, but the only thing that made any difference was leaving her diaper off and letting her run around naked all day. Jim and I just so happened to buy a potty seat right before all this because it was on clearance, so we thought we'd start putting her on it just to see what she thought (and to reduce the number of messes we were cleaning up all day). I think it was the afternoon of the second day that she actually pee'd in the toilet, and we all clapped and cheered (Susan was here by then) and she LOVED the attention. I think she was hooked at that point.

That night we made the decision to dive in and do full time potty training. Up until then we were still putting diapers on her when we left the house, then taking them off when we got home. I think we stayed inside for about 3-4 days and finally the 4th day she was completely accident free. She's really done so good for her age, I'm shocked. In the three weeks we've been working on it, I really don't think she's had more than 10 accidents. Our only challenge now is with public toilets. Sometimes she obsessed with new toilets and goes a million times (she went three times at the pool in 10 minutes before her swimming lesson started on Monday) and other times she refuses to go. Those times are so frustrating! I know she needs to go, and she keeps telling me she needs to, but then we go to the bathroom and she sees the potty and says 'no' and leaves; 5 minutes later we do the same thing. I've just learned that if she starts doing this to just go home and let her use the bathroom at home; we're never far from home anyways and she'll get over it soon enough.

She's had 4 days of school since we potty trained, and the last 2 days have been accident free. I know she's still going to have lots of accidents, but I really don't think it could have gone better if we had waited 6 months. It was really stress free for me because I wasn't expecting much. I knew if she wasn't making any progress by the time her rash was gone that we'd just go back to diapers.

I think one of the best parts is now she claps for me and Jim when we go to the bathroom and says "Yayyy Mommy/Daddy!!!" It's adorable. 


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