Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Lily James is 14 Months Old!

I'm thinking I'll still write these summaries so I can refer back to them, but probably not every month anymore. Hopefully I can still remember to do them every other month, but time is flying by so much faster now. Most of these pictures were taken on October 7th and 8th while we were playing outside at our neighborhood playground.

- She goes to daycare Sunday, Monday and Wednesdays from 8-12:30. She cries when Jim drops her off, but is quickly distracted once he leaves and they pull out her favorite toys. I think she likes getting out and playing with other kids and new toys. She's always happy when I pick her up.

- We are in the process of dropping the morning nap. She doesn't take one at daycare or on Tuesdays when we have swim lessons, but by the end of the week the lack of a morning nap catches up to her and she really needs two naps on Thursday, Friday and Saturdays.

- She says Mama, Dada, Bye-bye, Ball and Bottle.

- She signs milk, bye, more, all done, diaper, please, eat, and sleep. Last night we ate out at Chili's and we gave her one bite of mac & cheese and she got super excited and signed "more, please." We were so excited to see her put two words together!

- She can tell you what the sheep, monkey and elephant says. For elephant she doesn't make a sound but raises her arm like an elephant trunk.

- She can point to her nose, ears, head, hair, butt, toes, feet, hands, neck, lips and belly button. She can also show you where a bow goes.

- She still has 6, 4-5oz bottles a day. I thought about consolidated to 4 6oz bottles but I changed my mind. This schedule works and she's used to it.

- She's starting to pick up on patterns and does not like when we deviate. The biggest issue right now is bedtime. Jim doesn't make it home for bedtime during the week, so I always put her down. When the weekend comes and Jim takes her to bed she throws a fit sometimes and only wants me. I think she would be fine if I wasn't in the house but she doesn't like knowing I'm around and not putting her to bed.

- She's still doing swim lessons and is the most advanced in her class (in my completely unbiased opinion!). But I should add that everyone else in her class are first-timers so it's not a fair comparison :) We still love it and the best thing about Dubai is we can continue year round, even at the outdoor pool.

- Bedtime is about 7:30 now and she wakes up about 6:30am.

- It's finally cool enough in the late afternoons to go play outside at our neighborhood playground (and by cool enough I mean <100F). I'm learning that our girl is not shy at all yet and just walks up to every kid. She's usually the youngest one out there, but she loves running after the bigger kids (18-24 month olds) and helping them share their toys :)

- She's doing better at going out to eat. I think that's because she eats more and she takes almost as long as we do to eat, so she's not finished in two minutes and clamoring to get down and run around right away.

- She has 6 teeth! 4 top and 2 bottom

- She weighs somewhere around 25-27 lbs

- She wears size 18 month clothes, 24 month pjs and bathing suits, size 4 shoe and size 5 diaper.

I love watching her grow up and become more "with-it." I'm definitely not the type of mom that wonders every day "where did my baby go??" I love this fun stage of playing outside and watching her interact with other kids. Happy 14 months Lily Bug!!

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