I better get this written before the munchkin turns another month older! We were in Dickinson at Mimi and Babo's house on her 9 month birthday so we didn't have our normal set up with the chair and bird pillow, so we had to make do.
Here's what Miss Lily James has been up to in her 9th month of life:
- She doesn't stop moving. I had to take these pictures right after nap time while she was still waking up with the hope that she might sit still for a few seconds. She is still pulling up on everything and can walk while holding onto furniture, or while holding someone's hands. We also found out that she can climb stairs while we were in Dickinson. Thank goodness we don't have stairs in our apartment.
- Thanks to her Oma, she learned how to "patty cake" (clap her hands) and do "So Big" (she raises her hands above her head when you ask her how big she is).
- She can blow raspberries better than any adult I know, and she does it non-stop. She did it on the airplane to and from Kansas City, and everyone thought she was too cute.
- She loves to play peekaboo and understands the concept now.
- She's started wrinkling her nose when she laughs.
- She will bounce up and down and dance when music is playing.
- She eats a lot of table food now. We went out to eat a lot in Houston and she ate anything we put on her high chair - cheese, eggs, fish, chicken, pasta, strawberries, mushrooms are all new foods this month. She is a great eater, but I made scrambled eggs and she wasn't too thrilled with them; that might be the first food she doesn't like.
- She eats finger foods at every meal except breakfast (oatmeal) and does a really good job of feeding herself; in fact, if she drops food she will often search in her chair and bib until she finds it then shoves it in her mouth!
- Something I started doing this month was cutting up an apple into small pieces, adding a splash of lemon juice and some cinnamon, put it in a bowl with saran wrap over it and microwave for 3 minutes. The apples come out warm and soft so she can chew them and she loves it! She will eat almost an entire apple in one sitting like that.
- She still eats 4 full meals a day, about every 3.5-4 hrs.
- We are down to 2 naps a day (halleluja) which makes it much easier to get out and do stuff in the afternoons.
- She's finally sleeping through the night again (~11.5 hrs/night) after fighting off a cold.
- She still only has 2 teeth, the bottom two. She had some pretty fussy days this month so I thought the top two were close to breaking through, but nothing yet.
- She wears size 4 diaper, size 12 month PJs (barely) and size 12 month and some 9 month clothes.
- I'm guessing she weighs around 22-23 lbs. I don't know how tall she is, but she had a major growth spurt while we were in Houston. Overnight all the size 12 month clothes we bought (that I thought we would save until we got back to Dubai) started fitting her.
- She's become so playful and seems to like everybody. I was worried about being around so many people during our trip and that she might get overwhelmed and cling to Mama, but she did great!
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