Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kansas City

Lily and I went with my parents to Kansas City for a reception for Karry and Aaron. A lot of Aaron's friends and family live there and they couldn't make it to the wedding, so Aaron's family had a very nice reception for them at a country club. A lot of my mom's side of the family made it too since they live in the area, including many cousins we haven't seen since they were babies.

Lily got to meet my cousin's son, Aidan, who is 5 months old.

Always have to have a twin picture! (my mom's twin brother Kris, mom Kathy, Karry and me)

My mom with two of her brothers, Kris and Dick, and sister Nancy.

Most of the cousins from my mom's side.

 After the reception we went to the Marshall's house for some BBQ.

Love this picture of me and my chubbalub on their back deck.

On the way back home, Lily threw the fit of a lifetime in the plane going from Kansas City to Dallas. She never took a nap that morning and I knew she was tired and needed to sleep so I was trying to get her to settle down and sleep in my lap, but she just got really REALLY mad! I finally just let my mom give her a bottle and she fell asleep in her arms. The only reason I didn't give her a bottle from the start was that she had just had one during take-off to make sure her ears were ok, so I didn't think she'd take another. I'm not sure what I was thinking 'cause this girl never turns down food!
 Here she is crashed out in my mom's arms. She slept like this for about 45 mins, until someone walked by talking very loudly on a cell phone.

On the sky tram to our connecting gate Lily held on to the bar just like everyone else! It was too cute.

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