I get asked what a typical day is like for us quite often, so I thought I would do my best to document it. It will be interesting to look back on in the future. I chose to document today because it was a low key, hang around the apartment kind of day.
5:30 am - I start hearing noises and know Lily is awake. She's happy and entertaining herself, so I don't rush in to get her up.
5:50 - I go get her, nurse, we play on the bed and change her diaper (it's poop, which is usually the case if she is awake before 6)
6:15 - Go back to our bedroom and wake up Jim and play in our bed. This particular morning she was all about giving lots of kisses! She would lean forward and put her mouth on ours when we asked for a kiss!
6:30 - I make breakfast then Jim feeds her. Today she had oatmeal with mango puree mixed in. I also fix myself and Jim cereal, then I go sit in bed and eat and have a couple minutes to myself.
6:45 - Lily and Dad playtime
7:00 - All 3 of us play on the floor. Sometimes we turn on the TV and watch David Letterman, who is not as funny at 7 am...
7:45 - nap
9:45 - wake up, nurse, change diaper. Today when I got her after her nap she had figured out how to take her pants off. That was a first.
10:00 - lunch time. Today she ate half a cut up banana and a packet of plum, berry and barley puree. Lunch is almost always some kind of fruit.
10:15 - change clothes, play on the floor with mom
11:00 - independent playtime in the crib.
11:15 - play with mom/suck thumb and refuse to leave mom's lap. My plan was to have her continue to play by herself in the living room while I did laundry, but Ms. Snuggle Bug didn't want to leave my lap today.
11:45 - Give her a 4 oz. bottle of formula. This girl loves her bottle, and you can tell because she didn't try to grab my phone when I took this picture.
12:00 pm - nap
1:45 - wake up. change diaper, have another 4 oz bottle of formula
2:00 - have a snack while I wash dishes. Today it was puffs and bananas; we usually only have finger foods at snack time, no more purees.
2:15 - playtime with mom
2:45 - independent playtime
3:00 - put on Baby Einstein. I don't know what it is about this video, but she will sit/stand and watch the TV for all 27 minutes.
4:00 - Playtime at the pool (if we don't go to the pool, we go to the playground or grocery shopping, something to get us out of the house)
5:00 - nurse, dinner. Tonight she had cut up Zucchini and bananas, and Jim chose a puree packet called Fish Pie. Yumm!!
5:30 - bath time. This doesn't happen every night.
5:50 - playtime with mom and dad (usually Jim is not home in the evening before she goes to bed)
6:15 - change diaper, put on PJs.
6:20 - nurse, bedtime!
Usually bedtime is not until 6:30-7, but the munchkin was pretty tired and cranky tonight and we felt like we were just torturing her. Even with 2 almost 2 hr naps today, she was acting tired all day. I hope it's just a growth spurt and she's not coming down with something. I'm still battling a sinus infection, but she is finally all better and my worst fear is that I'm going to give this cold right back to her. Maybe I shouldn't have let her kiss me so much today, but how can you resist??
So far, I think this is the easiest age. She can entertain herself longer and is figuring how some of her toys work. She is on a pretty predictable schedule, which makes it much less stressful when leaving the house, and she needs very little discipline because she's still not walking and getting into things. She goes right down for naps, and always sleeps for at least 1.5 hrs. The biggest challenge we have now is that she starts to get "bored" and fussy in the late afternoon, especially since it's hot and we are couped up in the house most of the day.
5:30 am - I start hearing noises and know Lily is awake. She's happy and entertaining herself, so I don't rush in to get her up.
5:50 - I go get her, nurse, we play on the bed and change her diaper (it's poop, which is usually the case if she is awake before 6)
6:30 - I make breakfast then Jim feeds her. Today she had oatmeal with mango puree mixed in. I also fix myself and Jim cereal, then I go sit in bed and eat and have a couple minutes to myself.
6:45 - Lily and Dad playtime
7:00 - All 3 of us play on the floor. Sometimes we turn on the TV and watch David Letterman, who is not as funny at 7 am...
7:45 - nap
9:45 - wake up, nurse, change diaper. Today when I got her after her nap she had figured out how to take her pants off. That was a first.
10:00 - lunch time. Today she ate half a cut up banana and a packet of plum, berry and barley puree. Lunch is almost always some kind of fruit.
"Lily, don't throw your food on the ground." ... "Ya? And what are you going to do about it?"
10:15 - change clothes, play on the floor with mom
11:00 - independent playtime in the crib.
11:15 - play with mom/suck thumb and refuse to leave mom's lap. My plan was to have her continue to play by herself in the living room while I did laundry, but Ms. Snuggle Bug didn't want to leave my lap today.
11:45 - Give her a 4 oz. bottle of formula. This girl loves her bottle, and you can tell because she didn't try to grab my phone when I took this picture.
12:00 pm - nap
1:45 - wake up. change diaper, have another 4 oz bottle of formula
2:00 - have a snack while I wash dishes. Today it was puffs and bananas; we usually only have finger foods at snack time, no more purees.
2:15 - playtime with mom
2:45 - independent playtime
3:00 - put on Baby Einstein. I don't know what it is about this video, but she will sit/stand and watch the TV for all 27 minutes.
3:30 - get ready to go to the pool. Today Jim surprised us and came home early!
5:00 - nurse, dinner. Tonight she had cut up Zucchini and bananas, and Jim chose a puree packet called Fish Pie. Yumm!!
5:30 - bath time. This doesn't happen every night.
5:50 - playtime with mom and dad (usually Jim is not home in the evening before she goes to bed)
6:15 - change diaper, put on PJs.
6:20 - nurse, bedtime!
Usually bedtime is not until 6:30-7, but the munchkin was pretty tired and cranky tonight and we felt like we were just torturing her. Even with 2 almost 2 hr naps today, she was acting tired all day. I hope it's just a growth spurt and she's not coming down with something. I'm still battling a sinus infection, but she is finally all better and my worst fear is that I'm going to give this cold right back to her. Maybe I shouldn't have let her kiss me so much today, but how can you resist??
So far, I think this is the easiest age. She can entertain herself longer and is figuring how some of her toys work. She is on a pretty predictable schedule, which makes it much less stressful when leaving the house, and she needs very little discipline because she's still not walking and getting into things. She goes right down for naps, and always sleeps for at least 1.5 hrs. The biggest challenge we have now is that she starts to get "bored" and fussy in the late afternoon, especially since it's hot and we are couped up in the house most of the day.
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