Friday, April 6, 2012

A Trip to the Playground

Lily and I took a trip to the playground today on what will probably be the last day we can go out at 2pm and not get heat stroke. It was cloudy today and really nice out.

We did a little of this:

And a little of this:

But mostly a lot of this:

But my personal favorite is this..."now what mom?"

Happy Easter Friday! (Church services are held on Fridays here) Since Jim is in China, and I don't have a drivers license, we didn't make it to church today. I have no desire to take a taxi. It's not the getting there that's rough, it's the wondering if you'll ever catch a taxi home that I don't care for. We learned our lesson the first week we moved here when we waited an hour for a taxi after spending 5 minutes at a random furniture store trying to furnish our empty apartment. Lily will still get dressed up on Sunday for pictures! Have to get some wear out of these fancy dresses she has, even if we don't go anywhere!

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