Needless to say, it's a lot more interesting now. We sat on the couch for 15 mins this morning trying to figure out the best suitcases to take and how to get all of them plus a baby in a car seat to the taxi stand and then the airport.
We are also packing lots of extra stuff that will stay in Houston. This suitcase is full of sweaters that I'll never need as long as we live here, and never should have been shipped to Dubai. If only I was thinking more clearly back when we were packing.
These two suitcases are for Lily. Before you start thinking less of me, the big one is full of clothes and toys that she's outgrown that will also stay in Houston. The small one is also full, but probably half of that will stay too; I don't think she'll still be wearing size 9 months when we come back in a month.
We took Lily to the doctor today to make sure her ears and chest are clear before we leave, and everything looks good! I just hope the little congestion she does have doesn't bother her on the plane.
I put Lily to bed at 5:45pm tonight. I know it sounds ridiculous, but we're getting up really early tomorrow anyways, and I'm hoping she'll be ready for "bed" on the plane by 5pm tomorrow. That means she would sleep the last 8 hrs of the flight. Plus, I was exhausted. We had a really easy day, and our nanny came from noon to 5, but the last 45 mins of the day were rough! She didn't want to eat, didn't want to take a bath, didn't want to get a diaper on or pjs on. Everything was a battle! It's crazy how just 45 rough mins at the end of the day can just wipe me out! I wonder sometimes how I survived her newborn days when I used to walk laps around and around our apartment complex to calm her down. I remember being ecstatic one time when she was about 6 weeks old and I put her in her swing and she sat there for 5 minutes without crying. I remember thinking that was the longest she had gone without crying since her sleepy jaundiced days. Thank goodness she's such a happy baby now!
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