Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lily James is 11 Months Old!

This is the first month I've thought "I can't believe she is xx months old!" She's so close to not being a baby anymore. Here is what Miss Lily has been up to this month:

- I thought for sure the major milestone this month would be walking, but I'm proud to say the biggest turning point has been with sign language. She is really picking it up and can use signs for Hi, Bye, Milk, Nap/Ni-night/Sleep and All Done. She mostly just uses the signs when she hears us say those words, but a few times she has requested milk and a nap. We're working on Please now when she wants something, but that is a harder concept and will take some time.

 - Her walking is improving, and more and more often I see her take steps unprovoked. I noticed she walks more in her bedroom vs the living room, so I think the mat we have on the floor for her is throwing her off, but she'll get it soon enough.

- She will clap her hands when you ask or say "yay Lily!"

 - She eats a typical 3 meals plus snack every day. She still gets oatmeal with fruit puree mixed in for breakfast. I started adding more protein to both her lunch and dinner (either meat or beans) and she's been sleeping better at night. I've even had to wake her up a few times in the morning. She's also eating less pureed food because she can pretty much eat everything as long as I cut it into small pieces. She also gets a 4 oz bottle before and after her afternoon nap.

- She still loves to swim, and will easily dunk her head under water. She also loves to walk along the steps at the pool then dive into my arms.

 - Diaper changes can still be a struggle, but she's getting better. She seems to understand better when I tell her "No" and "Not done" when she starts to get squirmy and flip herself over. I use diaper cream at every diaper change now because the slightest rash makes changing her diaper impossible.

- She's babbling a lot lately and says "dada" quite a bit now, but still doesn't say it with a purpose.

 - She has three teeth now!! One of her top teeth finally broke through.

- We've pushed her bedtime back to about 7:15, and she sleeps till 6:15 pretty consistently. She also takes 2 naps, at about 8:30 am and 1 pm, for about 1.5-2 hrs

 - We have a nanny that comes on Sundays from 7a-5p, and Mondays from 6:30a to 11:30a and stays with her while get schoolwork done.

- Some of her new favorite foods are blueberries, apricots, black beans and turkey lunch meat.

 - She is wearing size 12-18 month clothes, 18 month pjs, 18 month bathing suits, size 5 diaper and size 3 shoes.

- She weighs around 22 lbs (50-75th %tile) and is probably around 31" tall (>90th %tile)

Happy 11 months Lily Bug!

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