Where has the time gone?? Actually, I hate that phrase, because I know exactly where the time has gone! Lots of smiles, kisses, hugs, diapers, snot, bottles, playing, naps, eating, crawling, walking, crying, laughing, tickling, and just recently...talking! Here's what Miss Lily has been up to in just this past month:
- She is walking full time! No more crawling for this big girl. In fact, as I write this, Jim just took her to the grocery store without a stroller (first time ever) so she could walk the whole way. It's a great way to tire her out for naptime or bedtime.
- She is saying Mama and Dada! I can't believe I haven't blogged about this yet, but Mama was the first word. She started saying dada first, but never used it directed at Jim. Then she started saying Mama and quickly used it directed at me, so we counted Mama as the first word. It's so cute when she walks into a room, sees me and yells "Mama!" in her high pitched voice!
- She just started doing sign language for diaper and eat, but still only uses her signs when we say the word; she doesn't use them yet to get something she wants. However, she does sign milk first thing when I get her out of her crib in the mornings.
- Her favorite toys are books, and she can recognize when a book is upside down and promptly flips it over. This always impresses people that meet her! She also loves her new bouncy ball we got her and laughs when we dribble it.
- She still takes 2 naps a day, 8:30 and 1:30 for 1.5-2 hrs each. Bedtime is 7:30 and she wakes up about 6:30.
- She's on 100% formula now and did not have any problems switching. Actually, I don't think it could have been easier to wean her. Now for bedtime we give her a bottle, read a book then put her to bed.
- She's been eating significantly less lately, and I think it may have to do with being on formula now.
- She gets diaper rash pretty often, and I think I finally figured out that carrots irritate her when they come out the other end. We've been cutting back how often she eats carrots and it seems to be better.
- She still does her independent playtime in her crib for 30 mins 1-2 times a day and does great. In fact, when I go to get her she doesn't jump up to me and continues to read her books.
- She wears size 12-18 month clothes, 18 month bathing suits, 18 month pj's, size 3 shoe and size 5 diaper.
Happy Birthday Lily James!!
(P.S. This was the last of her monthly photos, thank goodness!! These have become so frustrating trying to get her to sit and not pull off the sticker! ugh!!)